
Why does your skin need our pearl cream?

Posted by Martha Lucas PH.D., L.Ac. on May 5th 2021

Why does your skin need our pearl cream?


It’s summer again (!) and your skin needs more nurturing in the form of a light cream. You don’t want to wear something cloying or thick now …. especially under your face mask. Plus, you’d like your cream to help prevent acne and other skin inflammation/irritation that can happen from mask wearing. Here’s your answer: My Zen Skin Care Luminescent Pearl Cream.

Why do you need this cream? Because conchiolin (pearl) hydrates the skin, rebuilds collagen, and helps your skin retain moisture. It also tones skin and inhibits melanin production (age spots). It contains complex proteins and polysaccharides, that assembled together, form the microenvironment that offers your skin so many benefits. Nacre, another ingredient in pearl powder can also help collagen regenerate itself, which may make wrinkles appear less prominent. As if that isn't enough benefit, we also have stem cells in our pearl cream. Our lilac leaf stem cell culture is a powerful antioxidant that helps to protect the skin against free radicals, has strong anti-inflammatory benefits, and has been found to be effective against acne. Last, but certainly not least, we have vitamin E. Vitamin E has been around in skin care for a long time, which is why it’s so easily overshadowed by the newer, fancier-sounding ingredients. As it turns out, this workhorse ingredient shouldn’t be overlooked; it’s doing more to help protect your skin than you might realize. Unfortunately, with time and sun damage, your skin’s vitamin E decreases, depleting its natural ability to fight the signs of aging so we need to put it on topically. Topical application can supply your epidermis and dermis with specific forms of vitamin E that are not available from the diet. The antioxidant properties of vitamin E can help to prevent damage to skin caused by free radicals from UV exposure and have an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin. BUY NOW!

If you are an acupuncturist/Practitioner of Chinese medicine interested in learning cosmetic acupuncture or other practice building information, visit Lucas Teachings.

Or if you are not an acupuncturist but are dealing with infertility or PMS or other "female" issues, visit my practice site AcupunctureWoman and check out my At-home Acupressure for Fertility, PMS, and more information under products.

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